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Southern Baptist
Grace Baptist Church

Call the office to sign up to play!
Set up at 9:00am.
Games start at 10:00am.
We hold the games on the 1st and 3rd Saturday from October to April.
Watch our Grace Street Hockey Facebook page for more information.

Grace Baptist Church VBS
Coming Soon 2025!
Ages 3 years old and up and Adult class
Click on the VBS page to register for VBS.
Grace Youth Group
Youth ages 6th grade though high school meet for lessons, mission stories and mission projects Sunday 10 am, and Wednesday 7 pm.
Church Nursery
A nursery for children 0-5 years is provided for each service.
Women On Mission (WOM)
Ladies of all ages meet once a month concentrating on Mission programs and projects
Grace Baptist Church
Pastor Delane Burris
644 Edgemont Street
Albemarle, NC 28001
Phone 704-982-1304
Office Hours: 9am - 2pm Monday-Friday
Grace Baptist
Worship Times
Gap-Standers (Prayer Group) - 9:45 am
Sunday School - 10 am
Sunday Morning Worship - 11 am
Sunday Evening Worship - 6 pm ( April though September held in Fellowship Worship Center)
Wednesday Bible Study - 7 pm (Held In Our Fellowship Hall)
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